Public Member Functions | Public Attributes

Ovgl::Actor Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void SetTrajectory (Vector3 vec)
void SetDirection (Vector3 vec)
void Jump (float force)
void Release ()

Public Attributes

NxCapsuleController * controller
NxCapsuleControllerDesc * desc
Vector3 trajectory
Vector3 direction
Vector3 velocity
RayHit hit
bool crouch
bool grounded

Member Function Documentation

void Ovgl::Actor::Jump ( float  force )

Makes the actor jump.

forceThis tells the actor how high to jump.
void Ovgl::Actor::Release (  )

This function will release control of all memory associated with the actor and it will also remove any reference to it from the scene.

void Ovgl::Actor::SetDirection ( Vector3  vec )

Tells the actor where to look.

void Ovgl::Actor::SetTrajectory ( Vector3  vec )

Tells the actor which way to move.

Member Data Documentation

This is the view of the actor. You can set it as the view to a render target to see out of the actor's eyes.

This is a pointer to the physics scene object that represents the actor with in the scene.

NxCapsuleController* Ovgl::Actor::controller

This is a pointer to the physics scene capsule controller. This is generally only for internal use.

The actor's current crouch state

NxCapsuleControllerDesc* Ovgl::Actor::desc

This is the paramatures that were used to create the physics scene capsule controller. This is generally only for internal use.

Which direction the actor is currently looking.

This will be true if the actor is standing on the ground.


This is what defines the appearance of the actor.

This is a pointer to the scene that this actor was created by and resides in.

Which direction the actor is currently moving.

When the actor is not on the gound we need to know what his velocity is in the air.

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